Sunday, January 4, 2015

#Kleenexcare Sample

Here's a coupon to get some Kleenex of your own: Kleenex Coupon :)

Last month Kleenex sent me two boxes of their tissue through Crowdtap. I got them just in time too, my niece and nephew were passing around a nasty cold and this past week I've been dealing with major allergies :(

(Photo: Mine)

I really like kleenex and they're usually my go to brand when I purchase tissues because I know I can trust that they'll be good quality. I didn't really realize how much better kleenex was until recently. I started a new seasonal job and last week my nose started running constantly. I was running to the back literally every 5-10 minutes to grab a tissue. Unfortunately the tissues at work were an off brand  (they were in the same type of decorative box as my samples but we're some off brand, not sure which). My nose quickly noticed. It was like taking sand paper to my nose every time I blew it. I was so happy to get home and use my kleenex. I started shoving some kleenex tissues into my purse before work to save my nose!

The first box I recieved was Kleenex® Brand Anti-Viral* Tissue Box 
(Photo: Mine)

Close up of tissue
(Photo: Mine)

It's hard to see, I'm still getting used to taking pictures on my new phone, but there are small blue dots all over the tissue.
the Kleenex Anti-Viral tissue "kills 99.9% of cold and flue viruses*. Because cold and flu viruses are often spread by hand contact, Kleenex Brand has developed a tissue for your whole family. Kleenex Anti-Viral tissues has three soft layers, including a moisture-activated middle layer that kills 99.9% of cold and flu viruses* in the tissue within 15 minutes. This product has not been tested against bacteria, fungi or viruses".

I'm not sure what the point of killing a virus within 15 minutes? I mean it's a good idea but you think you'd want it to kill on contact or within seconds. Most people blow their nose or sneeze and then throw their tissue away. I feel like the germs would spread long before the 15 minutes it takes to kill them.

Overall these tissues were good quality. They didn't tear easily and we're thick enough and soft so they didn't irritate your nose. I put these out for my family on Christmas because my sister and her kids were all battling a cold. We went through a lot of these but my parents didn't get sick so they seemed to work at kIlling the germs. (I dont  count myself because I watch the kids regularly so I could easily catch something before or right after using these tissues with them).

(Photo: Mine)

The second box I recieved was Kleenex® Brand Tissues with Lotion Box 
(Photo: Mine)

Sorry the box got a little smashed, I accidently stepped on it. These tissues have soothing lotion and aloe on them.

(Photo: Mine)

You can tell the difference between the tissues just by feeling them. These are nice and thick like the Anti-Viral tissues but they are a lot softer. I really liked these tissues and switched over to these when my allergies started up. They were so much better then the cheap brand from work. My nose wasn't sore at the end of the day after using them like with other tissues.

Overall I was really happy with my samples and will continue using Kleenex Brand tissues. My favorite were the lotion ones because they really helped keep my nose from not getting sore.

Thank you Kleenex and Crowdtap for the samples!

*I was given these products complementary for testing purposes. I am asked to give my honest opinion and not compensated for giving a good review over a bad review. I do recieve points for sumbitting a review but the points are the same amount regardless of my opinions. All photos in post are mine*

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