Sunday, August 17, 2014

(FAST) First Aid Shot Therapy Review from Surfup Voxbox

Recently through Influenster I got my first ever Voxbox. If your not familiar with Influenster you can learn more in my post Here and if your wondering what else I got to sample you can see everything I got in my Surfs up Voxbox Here

Want your own VoxBox? Sign up here

One of the things included in my Surfs Up Voxbox was First Aid Shot Therapy F.A.S.T relief pain relief. This was provided to me free for smapling purposes.

(Photo: mine)

What is is? A little bottle of berry flavored liquid pain relief. Shot thearpy is an FDA apporived liquid pain reliever/ fever reducer with choline sailcyate (the website says this is a "non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drug-NSAID") and caffiene ("pain relief aid"). Its supposed to work better and faster then a regular pain reliever/fever reducing pill.

Its great for headaches, muscle pain, toothache, menstrual pain, pain and fever of colds, minor pain of arthritis, temporarily reduces fever. 

They also have one for upset stomach which is great for heartburn, sour stomach, acid indigestion, upset stomach accociated with these symptoms. (Flavor = peppermint ginger with a hint of chocolate)

Above info. Taken from
You can find detailed imfo. About both shot therapies through the link including a list of ingredients.

Safety sealed
(Photo: mine)

Berry flavored but clear liquid, no stains if spilled!
(Photo: mine)

So i tried this around 4th of July (notice my horrible manicure i tried to quickly do before fireworks). I was getting ready to go to some neighborhood fireworks and i had a headache, neck ache and just felt awful all day so i decided it was time to try the first aid shot therapy. The liquid, as i said before, is nice and clear which is nice so you dont have to worry about spilling it on your self and having a big unsightly stain (although im sure would be a bit sticky but ill take sticky over a bright red blob). It definitly wasnt the best tasting thing ive ever drank. It wasnt too bad initally but once it hit your throat it had a strong not so pleasant flavor to it but its only 1.35 milliliters that you have to get down so its not too bad. (Think ariborne and 8 ounces you have to get down, although i kind of like airborne though most dont). 

I was a little hestint about using this product becuase im not familiar with the ingredients and havent heard much about it. Learning a little more about it i might be more willing to use it more often.
I felt a tiny bit of relief after an hour or so but it didnt really do much for me and wasnt any faster then a regular pill. I have read many reviews where people have had a lot of success using this product though and im willing to give it another try. 
I feel that I should let you know that about two weeks after trying this I had bad wrist pain (not related to using this!) and was unable to even bend my wrist and went in for xrays and blood work. My blood work came back with high levels of rheumatoid factor and i will be seeing a rheumatologist. Its very likely that i have rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder, not just basic arthritis aches and pains) which is why this product might have not worked very well for me. My neck aches and headaches could be cause by my RA and regular medications tend not to work the best in relieving RA pain. I share this because my first time sampling it may not have been a fair sampling if i was going through some RA pain.

I would reccomend reading a little bit more about this product and the ingredients and giving it a try . I think it could work really well for typical aches and pains and may provide quicker relief for others then pills tend to provide. I am interested in trying the stomach relief one and seeing how well it would work. If you've tried any of the first aid shot therapys leave me a comment and let me kow what you thought :)

Thank you first aid and influenster for letting me sample thid product!

*I was given First Aid Shot Therapy (F.A.S.T) free for sampling purposes. I was asked to give my honest opinion and was not rewarded in any way for posting a positive review over a negative one. All photos in post are mine unless otherwise noted.*

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