This forth of July I got to sample McCormick Grill Mates through Crowdtap. They sent me a TON of stuff to try out. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to try everything yet but I plan on updating this post as my family and friends get a chance to try all the different products.
McCormick sent a variety of Seasoning mixes, Rubs, sauces and seasonings along with a McCormick Apron to wear while we were out grilling.
The Seasoning Mixes they sent me were:
- 1 Steakhouse Burgers- Smoky Applewood Seasoning Mix
- 1 Steakhouse Burgers- Classic Burger Seasoning Mix
- 1 Steakhouse Burgers- Steakhouse Mushroom Seasoning Mix
The Rubs they sent me included:
- 1 Tennessee Smokehouse BBQ Rub
- 1 Memphis Pit BBQ Rub
The Marinades they sent me:
- 1 Smokein' Sweet Tea Marinade
- 2 Montreal Steak Sauces
- 1 Chipotle and Roasted Garlic Seasoning
- 3 Montreal Steak Seasonings
- 1 Worcestershire Pub Burger Seasoning (Which is what we tried at the cookout)
All the goodies
(Photo: Mine)
My family was already planning on having a little cook out for the 4th of July so this sampling worked out nicely. By the time I was excepted and received the package my mom already had the menu planned and the food bought so so far the only thing we got to try was the Worcestershire Pub Burger Seasoning.
Mom of course already had the burgers made so we just added the seasoning on top. Dad said that this was a little hard to do because the seasoning chunks were so large, unlike salt which is a lot smaller and is easier to get to stick on food. Next time since well have the seasoning before making the burgers, we want to mix the seasoning in before shaping the patties. Overall my family really enjoyed the Worcestershire Pub Burger Seasoning. My mom said that it had a good spicy flavor but wasn't too spicy or overpowering. My 3 year old niece and 4 year old nephew even enjoyed it which says a lot since kids can be pretty picky.
Some of the family enjoying their McCormick Burgers and my nephew of course making silly faces because that's all he does in pictures now.
(Photo: Mine)
Seriously I cant get him to take a normal picture
My sister made a pretty dessert, we were in a hurry and had to frost it while it was still warm which is why its falling apart.
We had fun getting a chance to spend some time with Nana riding around on the golf cart, with Holly her dog of course.
(Photo: Mine)
My niece Emma and I taking a golf cart ride

We also had a great time riding around on our bicycles. Lolli and Pops drive way is much bigger and a lot more fun to ride on.
(Photo: Mine)
Really concentrating
(Photo: Mine)
We had a really nice 4th and enjoyed trying some McCormick seasoning. The burgers were great and everyone's excited to try the rest of the McCormick products along with the recipes McCormick sent along. I truly would recommend McCormick Grill Mates next time your thinking about grilling. Here are some recipes McCormick included with the samples to give you some inspiration on what to try:
Montreal Peppered Steak
(Photo: Mine, Recipe and card provided by McCormick and Crowdtap)
Sizzlin Steak A La Montreal
Ultimate Montreal Steak with Grilled Potato Recipe
(Photo: Mine, Recipe and card provided by McCormick and Crowdtap)
Grab some McCormick Grill Mates and get cooking!
Thank you McCormick and Crowdtap for this sampling opportunity!
*I received this McCormick Grill Mates sample kit through crowdtap for free for reviewing purposes. I do get rewarded for reviewing the product and sharing my honest thoughts and opinions, I do not get any extra incentive for a positive review. Crowdtap only asks for my honest thoughts and opinions whether they are good or bad. All photos in post are mine unless otherwise posted.*
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